`Living Coral` is 2019 `s color of the Year
The color Living coral is the color for the year 2019. According to the Pantone Color Institute, 2019 will be all about Living Coral, a color which represents “playful expression,” and our “innate need for optimism.” You might wonder what Living Coral looks like right. So just imagine a shade of coral that`s bolder than pink but subtler than red.
Ones inner need for optimism and joyful pursuits are evoked with coral.🌝🌞 I've compiled some must have coral inspired items, which range from clothing, to home to makeup essentials, one should own, and all in coral mind you. Have a read a bit lower down why don`t you and tell me what you think!
Left: Coral Linen Pinafore R625 - YDE
Right: Coral Tassel earrings R150 - YDE
Superga Espadrille wedges R1149 - Zando
Above Left: NYX Coral Mist lipstick R130 - Clicks
Above Right: Smudge Nail Lacquer coral reef R30 - Clicks
Right: Hanging Citronella waxfill jar, R49 - MRP HOME
Left: Sandal R239, New Look - ZandoRight: Puma Backpack dusty coral, R899- Zando
Left: Top R40 - MRP
Right: Georgia Maxi Dress, floral starfish R599 - Superbalist
Bar detail wallet R160, Exact
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