Brand: No Hair
Product: Hair Removal Lotion
Size: 200ml
Price: +/- R57 per bottle

Just a sneak peak of how I use my NO hair, hair removal lotion!
Underarms are so hairy 😲, but they shouldn't be in summer 🙅‍♀️ You don't Wanna look all snatched and have your hairy underarms getting more attention than you OH NO! 💯

 First impressions:
-Love 😍 the petite bottle of NO HAIR REMOVAL lotion!
-the packaging or rather pink (ladies) and black (mens) removal lotions makes it easier for buyers to identify which one to use!

How I use the NO hair removal lotion - I love using the hair removal lotion on my underarms, as it's easy and goes quick to remove hair in less than 5 minutes ☺ 👏

Tip💛💛💛 : always prepare the skin you plan to use No Hair on, by exfoliating the area a day or two before, in this way, blocked hair follicles which causes ingrown hairs, will be sorted, and make for better hair removal and smoother skin!

Does it work :yes- and it doesn't hurt! Finally, a hair removal lotion that doesn't irritate my skin or leave me with black marks or irritated bumps like when I shave my underarms!

Just look at my swag 😎
And BTW, NO HAIR, hair removal lotion doesn't smell half as bad as the other hair removal lotions do! Yes, it has a distinct smell, but once you're done using it, be sure to wipe the area with a warm, damp cloth! 💯 👌 💜 And you don't need to use much product to get the job done!

My results you can see for yourself from the picture- the bottom left one is after 😁👏😋 


HELLO SUMMER ☀ - HELLO 👋 CUTE OUTFITS, smooth legs, clean underarms, sexy bikini 👙 lines! 😘💯😋😁 #whowearsitbestsa #beautybulletin #nadineknowsbeautyblog2019💜 #bodycare #bodyhairremoval #nohair #hairremovallotion


  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about haircare.Please keep sharing.
    Health Is A Life


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